Barbara, 25, was promoted to her current position in March 1999
after nearly five years with the company. She supervises 55 men
(always referred to as "the guys"), but has never encountered
any problem with being the only "girl" supervisor. "If they've
got a problem, they'll say so, and you can deal with that directly.
I like that."
"I look after
scheduling, figuring out how many guys we'll need for each job.
And then there are discipline issues: if someone fails to follow
procedures, I represent management. If there's a problem, I have
to solve it. My previous position involved a lot of (truck) driver
discipline and labour issues, which is useful in my current job."
Safety and
environmental concerns are key elements of her position, along
with first aid and safety training and quality control. She also
does some technical writing, mainly plant manuals, which can include
everything from job descriptions to a basic overview of the entire
operation. She thrives on variety: "It's like the Internet: I
don't know where I'll be going every day!"